Some thoughts on Dustin Poireir before his second fight against Justin.

Poirier in his first fight with McGregor had the defence of the typical MMA fighter against boxing or striking in general, which is to attack, then get out moving backward, and he would bring an arm up to cover. Connor snuck his left hand past the guard and knocked out Poirier. But after that fight,Continue reading “Some thoughts on Dustin Poireir before his second fight against Justin.”

Western influence on traditional arts is not always one way.

I was watching Lawrence of Kenshin make a video about Kyokushin karate, and he basically said the reason Kyokushin wins against Muay Thai (Sometimes) and he heavily implied that it’s because Kyokushin and other Full contact karate styles basically integrated Muay Thai, and that’s why they start to win or perform well. And there isContinue reading “Western influence on traditional arts is not always one way.”

Martial Artists need to be honest with themselves.

People who do martial arts often need a reason to do what they do. The combat sports guy would say stuff about how MMA or boxing is the ultimate test of manhood, that it’s proven to be the best method of combat and thus they want to be strong. They will talk about the highContinue reading “Martial Artists need to be honest with themselves.”

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