Leaning forward in a triangle vs standing verticle like a tree. A discussion on posture.

Back when I could afford to be a patreon for people, I was giving patronage to Steve Morris. I learned a few things reading his posts on mechanics, the neuro-science of stress and learning between the rants. And there were rants, often about how useless most karate, kung-fu and general traditional arts are. He’s anContinue reading “Leaning forward in a triangle vs standing verticle like a tree. A discussion on posture.”

Martial Artists need to be honest with themselves.

People who do martial arts often need a reason to do what they do. The combat sports guy would say stuff about how MMA or boxing is the ultimate test of manhood, that it’s proven to be the best method of combat and thus they want to be strong. They will talk about the highContinue reading “Martial Artists need to be honest with themselves.”

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