WAIT! Catch wrestling used to be in the Olympics? WHAT!!!

I watched this video, and it makes many wonderful points. But if there is anything I learned from watching it, it’s that martial artists should never ever ever ever want their style to get into the Olympics if they still want it to have a combative focus. Most notable was the fact that when theContinue reading “WAIT! Catch wrestling used to be in the Olympics? WHAT!!!”

If you’re a good teacher, your students should start beating you.

Before I talk about students, lets talk about size, strength, age and Talent. When we think of martial arts, particularly those in Asia or Asian influenced, we think of a little old man with a bent back, a line full of students throwing punches and kicks. When he squares off with one of his students,Continue reading “If you’re a good teacher, your students should start beating you.”

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