The biggest thing my Karate teacher taught me: Being athletic can be learned.

Before and after I got my black belt. Before and after I took up training in kickboxing, BJJ and MMA wrestling, people always said my movement was slow and awkward, but somehow I landed well and I defended well. But I was never described as explosive. Weird timing, good fundamentals once they understood what IContinue reading “The biggest thing my Karate teacher taught me: Being athletic can be learned.”

One of my biggest pet peeves about aging martial artists.

Lets talk about aging martial artists and strength. So relying on strength when trying to learn technique is not a good thing. Most people would say that. Now if the technique requires a level of strength(Like a high crotch) it still must be executed smoothly and with good body mechanics, the maximum levage. The factContinue reading “One of my biggest pet peeves about aging martial artists.”

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