Is it impossible for non-problematic media?

(This is based on a facebook post, so the editing is bad. Usually when i go over something a few times, it’s way more polished looking.) I’ve honestly given up on complaining about media not being woke. I noticed most of the biggest activists for social causes will complain about some media being problematic, butContinue reading “Is it impossible for non-problematic media?”

I don’t care if I can see my actors face in live action speculative fiction.

Related to my last post about how T.V. shows about cosmic entities and forces will power them down from either the soarce material or in general, the excuse is often because audiences can’t suspend belief, even if it’s something related to things they actually believe or are raised to believe. This is spitting in theContinue reading “I don’t care if I can see my actors face in live action speculative fiction.”

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