I get annoyed by Self-Defense people over emphasizing the shit out of how different street fights are from sport fighting. Thing is there are differences, and they are big enough differences to have to change training approaches. This blog post will focus on specific tactics that are bad for self-defense, but the overall focus isContinue reading “THE PROBLEM WITH COMBAT SPORTS”

Kosen Judo didn’t defeat BJJ because Helio was smaller than Kimura.

This post isn’t going to be long. Lots of people who want to claim that Kosen-Judo(Judo before the olympics fucked it up) was still inferior to BJJ in terms of the quality of it’s overall grappling and ground work. Never mind Kimura, Mifune, Maeda were doing De La Riva guard and X-guard long before modernContinue reading “Kosen Judo didn’t defeat BJJ because Helio was smaller than Kimura.”

The cold war is why BJJ is the foremost grappling art and not SAMBO.

So I often complain a great deal about BJJ culture and BJJ as a sport. But the fact is I am more of a BJJ player in my grappling than the wrestling and SAMBO I admire. If you read the history, you’re own identification with an art you do fades when you’re faced with theContinue reading “The cold war is why BJJ is the foremost grappling art and not SAMBO.”

Khabib and the cage: Why he would be MORE dominant in a ring.

Khabib is not a perfect person or even a perfect martial artist. He has areas he’s weak at, etc. Hell when I saw him fight Edson Barbosa, I thought the way he just plodded forward would get him countered against McGreggor. But when Khabib fought McGregor, he didn’t plod forward, he controlled the distance veryContinue reading “Khabib and the cage: Why he would be MORE dominant in a ring.”

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