Masking symptoms: Turning extroverts into introverts.

The phenomenon I am going to write about happens to both Autistic people and those with ADHD. But since my diagnosis more heavily leans into ADHD than Autism, I am going to focus on it from an ADHD perspective. I like hanging out with people. I really do. I’m fairly social. Anyone who knows meContinue reading “Masking symptoms: Turning extroverts into introverts.”

A personal story on how Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria manifests.

I am a person filled with great self-loathing. The fact is my experience is that my family largely is mostly upset with me and constantly chastising me. They say they love me, but I can’t help but think that it’s because my culture makes it they have no choice, particularly my siblings. They tell meContinue reading “A personal story on how Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria manifests.”

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