Sen/Sen sen no sen: Strike first. Learn to read.

Now technically, Sen/Sen sen no sen isn’t that complicated. It means to attack or attack first. Nothing more. Nothing less. But we all know that sometimes you take the first punch, and somehow you don’t hit first, instead you miss and they counter, they parry and they counter, they block and they counter. If IContinue reading “Sen/Sen sen no sen: Strike first. Learn to read.”

Three Initiatives: An attack mindset.

Having good defense is good. Defensive mindset it bad. (These are not edited. I will go back eventually and edit the spelling and grammar of these posts in the future. First I want my thoughts out) Anyone would tell you, it’s impossible to win a fight defending only. Even if your sucker punched, you wantContinue reading “Three Initiatives: An attack mindset.”

Initiatives of attack and counter attack: Introduction.

This is a rough post, exists to help organize my thoughts. Forgive the spelling and grammar errors, I will try to lessen them in the future. For now I want momentum going for my blog. In Japanese martial arts there are three phases of attack and counter attack: Sen en no sen, Sen no sen,Continue reading “Initiatives of attack and counter attack: Introduction.”

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