I was spoiled: How good self-defense from my teacher keeps me from enjoying it anywhere else.

So I pointed out many flaws in RBSD. How it’s taught by cops, bouncers, soldiers. Occupations where they are all walking into situations where there is no surprise there is violence. Sometimes the moment they put the uniform on, the body unconsciously prepares and dumps chemicals. It most certainly does so for cops arriving somewhereContinue reading “I was spoiled: How good self-defense from my teacher keeps me from enjoying it anywhere else.”


I get annoyed by Self-Defense people over emphasizing the shit out of how different street fights are from sport fighting. Thing is there are differences, and they are big enough differences to have to change training approaches. This blog post will focus on specific tactics that are bad for self-defense, but the overall focus isContinue reading “THE PROBLEM WITH COMBAT SPORTS”

The difference between combat sports and street fighting isn’t big.

When it comes to awareness, legality and general strategy, sport fighting and street fighting are very different. But when it comes to fighting styles and even training methodology, they actually are not that different. So….let’s get started. Hopefully I don’t burn any bridges. YOU PROBABLY WON’T USE YOUR SPECIAL DEATH EYE POKE OR THROAT PUNCHContinue reading “The difference between combat sports and street fighting isn’t big.”

90 percent of fights go to the ground Stat: Why does this persist?

When someone does BJJ or even MMA, they will always recite the gracie mantra “We found 90 percent of fights go to the ground, therefore ground fighting is superior.” Thing is it’s been long discovered the Gracie family got that statistic from police. And police are not supposed to smash faces or run away, theyContinue reading “90 percent of fights go to the ground Stat: Why does this persist?”

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