Learn to fight first before learning a style or system.

The title may sound like a very strange statement, since the assumption is that a system will already teach you how to fight. That isn’t a wrong assessment, as a boxing system involves actually trying to punch people or Muay Thai as a system involves trying to strike and disbalance. Wrestling/Judo systems mean actually tryingContinue reading “Learn to fight first before learning a style or system.”

SLOPPY LIST: How Okinawan karate informs my kickboxing.

Punching to penetrate rather than to ‘pop’ People often talk about a ‘proper’ way to punch. Usually they say it must bounce or pop. The reason is such strikes are difficult to parry, they move fast, go into openings more easily and they deliver power that disperses quickly. This is especially seen in boxing, particularlyContinue reading “SLOPPY LIST: How Okinawan karate informs my kickboxing.”

Range dictates how your style manifests.

Today I worked with a friend and occasional student on some Kit Dale clinch stuff he had purchased. After doing some of that and helping out with working through the material, we ended up doing some striking drills with an energy very similar to sparring, focusing mostly on mid range as seen often in classicContinue reading “Range dictates how your style manifests.”

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