What kind of ADHD worker are you?

There are two kinds of ways ADHD people learn to work or get things done. The Bat-man: Most people generally like Bat-man other than Marxists, and even many of them love this one single billionaire. They say he can kick anyone’s ass with enough prep time. Maybe Doctor Doom has better preparation feats, but Bat-manContinue reading “What kind of ADHD worker are you?”

Self-Diagnosis: Pros and Cons

If you tell people you have ADHD no one takes it seriously. Why? Because they know fifty friends with the diagnosis who have great lives, even successful lives. So they naturally think you’re blaming your diagnosis, making an excuse. What many don’t know is that the disorder was over-diagnosed when it was first discovered. PsychiatristsContinue reading “Self-Diagnosis: Pros and Cons”

Masking symptoms: Turning extroverts into introverts.

The phenomenon I am going to write about happens to both Autistic people and those with ADHD. But since my diagnosis more heavily leans into ADHD than Autism, I am going to focus on it from an ADHD perspective. I like hanging out with people. I really do. I’m fairly social. Anyone who knows meContinue reading “Masking symptoms: Turning extroverts into introverts.”

A personal story on how Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria manifests.

I am a person filled with great self-loathing. The fact is my experience is that my family largely is mostly upset with me and constantly chastising me. They say they love me, but I can’t help but think that it’s because my culture makes it they have no choice, particularly my siblings. They tell meContinue reading “A personal story on how Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria manifests.”

Taking it slow: Mental Health edition.

This won’t be a long blog post. I was lucky enough to be born in an era where ADHD was diagnosed, but unlucky enough to be born in an era where the true depth of it’s symptoms and what it entails was not understood. Before it was seen as “he doesn’t pay attention and he’sContinue reading “Taking it slow: Mental Health edition.”

ADHD and the military: Why do some militaries exclude people who thrive under pressure?

I don’t have definitive list of countries, but I’ve talked to people online from various nations, some were excluded from joining the military because of their diagnosis. Now I’m sure there is data backing up why they don’t want people with an ADHD diagnosis in the army. Perhaps stats and trends seen by analysts thatContinue reading “ADHD and the military: Why do some militaries exclude people who thrive under pressure?”

Rant and analysis: Willpower and the relationship to mental health and combat.

We often associate will power with an impeccable discipline. The ability to focus without distraction even through discomfort on what they do and what they want. By this definition, many people who need to Stim or get over stimulated often have low will power, because their threshold of self control and toleration is a greatContinue reading “Rant and analysis: Willpower and the relationship to mental health and combat.”

We are not lazy. We are not apathetic. We care.

Nothing in particular to say here. Just that it can be exhausting that people who know the symptoms of ADHD, knowing it’s severe in your case can still make you feel like your being lazy when executive dysfunction kicks in. They often get upset when your focussed on something and you can’t shift away fromContinue reading “We are not lazy. We are not apathetic. We care.”

Time Optimism and ADHD

People with ADHD often are terrible at reading time in general. Whether it’s calculating how long it would take to do a task, to actually even understanding the passage of time without a tool like a watch or a clock to measure it. We can be on the verge of being late for an appointmentContinue reading “Time Optimism and ADHD”

Sensory issues and mental health: It isn’t always what it seems.

It’s no real secret that people with ADHD and Autism have sensory issues. Often a quick google search reveals that lights, sounds, fabrics and sensations will drive many people with many conditions crazy with how sensitive they are. Or it’s the opposite, people will have dull, delayed responses, even not reacting to sensations indicating harm.Continue reading “Sensory issues and mental health: It isn’t always what it seems.”

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