Headbutts change everything.

So agan, I started with Karate, but my teacher didn’t train in a traditional way, or rather he never felt bound by it. So we head butted. And I got pretty good at it, I think we all did. But the focus of the training went toward purity of motion than focussing on a singleContinue reading “Headbutts change everything.”

The cold war is why BJJ is the foremost grappling art and not SAMBO.

So I often complain a great deal about BJJ culture and BJJ as a sport. But the fact is I am more of a BJJ player in my grappling than the wrestling and SAMBO I admire. If you read the history, you’re own identification with an art you do fades when you’re faced with theContinue reading “The cold war is why BJJ is the foremost grappling art and not SAMBO.”

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