Believe it or not, Kata/forms can fit into Ecological dynamics, active inference and embodied training.

Been a while since I updated this blog. I am going to talk about forms again, and I’ve changed my mind a bit since the last time I began writing about this topic. But before I do that, I have to set the stage of what my point is. I’ve been busy dipping my footContinue reading “Believe it or not, Kata/forms can fit into Ecological dynamics, active inference and embodied training.”

Learn to fight first before learning a style or system.

The title may sound like a very strange statement, since the assumption is that a system will already teach you how to fight. That isn’t a wrong assessment, as a boxing system involves actually trying to punch people or Muay Thai as a system involves trying to strike and disbalance. Wrestling/Judo systems mean actually tryingContinue reading “Learn to fight first before learning a style or system.”

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