Pivoting and rolling off the point of contact: Why people who are good at crashing are not crashing.

As always this article will have plenty of moving and still images. The problem is I could find nothing that perfectly illustrates what I want, even though when watching matches or watching Youtube videos of assaults and self-defence instructional, people do this stuff I mention in this article, whether knowingly or unknowingly. But when doingContinue reading “Pivoting and rolling off the point of contact: Why people who are good at crashing are not crashing.”

What was Sonny Umpad and his students secret to success?

I’ve made two blog posts about “The Hustler” and it’s author Maija Soderholm(I probably mangled her name) Thing is she talks extensively about her teacher Sonny Umpad, how he trained and how he taught her to think. And it’s not just Maija who was impressed by him. He’s not well known, but those who knowContinue reading “What was Sonny Umpad and his students secret to success?”

Mirroring ways to move as described by Maija Soderholm.

Maija’s new book “The Hustler” focuses greatly on strategy rather than tactics. Most examples of her tactics she references to her first book. So I pulled out her first book again. And one section stood out to me a great deal, the section on mirroring movement of another person. This is very similar to RoryContinue reading “Mirroring ways to move as described by Maija Soderholm.”

Book Review: What if the best mindset in self defense isn’t the strong will or strong mind, but the unpredictable, flexible mind?

Rethinking how we conceiver of mindset in self defense. I’m reading the second book written by Maija Soderholm. She is associated with Rory Miller and his group of people among self-defense and martial arts circles. Thing is a very common talking point in self defense circles is attack first, attack hard before they do itContinue reading “Book Review: What if the best mindset in self defense isn’t the strong will or strong mind, but the unpredictable, flexible mind?”

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