Rules dictate how a style or school fights.

Ninety percent of martial arts or combative schools have rules when they fight, especially when doing pressure testing or sparring. Yes even your school with eye pokes and groin kicks. You all train with rules whether you know it or not. My school we could tap the groin if someone had a cup, and indicateContinue reading “Rules dictate how a style or school fights.”

I don’t care how Bad Ass you are. That does not matter in a teacher.

I try to follow many martial artists, combat sports folks and self-defense experts on social media. One thing I noticed is either directly or indirectly they constantly talk about how hardcore they are, how hardcore their training was, how hardcore their life experience was. They want to convince the world they are super-badass. And thatContinue reading “I don’t care how Bad Ass you are. That does not matter in a teacher.”

New perspective as a martial artist after having a family(and a writer)

First the martial arts: So whether it’s karate or MMA, I never understood for a long time why people with disposable income and a car never cross trained outside the gyms they were a part of. Shit I had no consistent income or a car and I still tried to cross train! My parents helpedContinue reading “New perspective as a martial artist after having a family(and a writer)”

Feints and Fakes: What constitutes a good feint?

When talking about feints, the sport combat crew views it mostly as half completed strikes or movements at best, little twitches and movements at most. The RBSD crew often doesn’t see much use for feints. Both of them though, don’t seem to put much thought into what a feint is. Both of them just seeContinue reading “Feints and Fakes: What constitutes a good feint?”

Initiatives of attack and counter attack: Introduction.

This is a rough post, exists to help organize my thoughts. Forgive the spelling and grammar errors, I will try to lessen them in the future. For now I want momentum going for my blog. In Japanese martial arts there are three phases of attack and counter attack: Sen en no sen, Sen no sen,Continue reading “Initiatives of attack and counter attack: Introduction.”

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