SLOPPY LIST: How Okinawan karate informs my kickboxing.

Punching to penetrate rather than to ‘pop’ People often talk about a ‘proper’ way to punch. Usually they say it must bounce or pop. The reason is such strikes are difficult to parry, they move fast, go into openings more easily and they deliver power that disperses quickly. This is especially seen in boxing, particularlyContinue reading “SLOPPY LIST: How Okinawan karate informs my kickboxing.”

Go No Sen: Attack after they attack.

Training to read the body for Sen Sen no sen or Sen no sen generally uses the same drill, the same concept. But attacking after they finish their attack (Go no Sen) is considered the least effective way to counter. Yet it is in some ways the more complex, and because it happens more oftenContinue reading “Go No Sen: Attack after they attack.”

Sen No Sen: Attack them when they attack you.

Yes, attacking when they attack you. How do you train it? The same way you train Sen Sen no Sen/Sen. The difference is you attack at the same time as they attack you instead of right when your opponent initiates. When done right, Sen no Sen can be very disconcerting, it can greatly upset yourContinue reading “Sen No Sen: Attack them when they attack you.”

Sen/Sen sen no sen: Strike first. Learn to read.

Now technically, Sen/Sen sen no sen isn’t that complicated. It means to attack or attack first. Nothing more. Nothing less. But we all know that sometimes you take the first punch, and somehow you don’t hit first, instead you miss and they counter, they parry and they counter, they block and they counter. If IContinue reading “Sen/Sen sen no sen: Strike first. Learn to read.”

Three Initiatives: An attack mindset.

Having good defense is good. Defensive mindset it bad. (These are not edited. I will go back eventually and edit the spelling and grammar of these posts in the future. First I want my thoughts out) Anyone would tell you, it’s impossible to win a fight defending only. Even if your sucker punched, you wantContinue reading “Three Initiatives: An attack mindset.”

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