Rules dictate how a style or school fights.

Ninety percent of martial arts or combative schools have rules when they fight, especially when doing pressure testing or sparring. Yes even your school with eye pokes and groin kicks. You all train with rules whether you know it or not. My school we could tap the groin if someone had a cup, and indicateContinue reading “Rules dictate how a style or school fights.”

I was spoiled: How good self-defense from my teacher keeps me from enjoying it anywhere else.

So I pointed out many flaws in RBSD. How it’s taught by cops, bouncers, soldiers. Occupations where they are all walking into situations where there is no surprise there is violence. Sometimes the moment they put the uniform on, the body unconsciously prepares and dumps chemicals. It most certainly does so for cops arriving somewhereContinue reading “I was spoiled: How good self-defense from my teacher keeps me from enjoying it anywhere else.”


I get annoyed by Self-Defense people over emphasizing the shit out of how different street fights are from sport fighting. Thing is there are differences, and they are big enough differences to have to change training approaches. This blog post will focus on specific tactics that are bad for self-defense, but the overall focus isContinue reading “THE PROBLEM WITH COMBAT SPORTS”

Counter assault: How does it actually work? Badly organized musings.

I’ve been talking with Dillon Byer about models. And one thing without a doubt is the fact that learning a pre-conditioned response is far better than what is taught in many traditional and even western schools that teach self-defense and counter assault. The thing is, that too is a model. And the actual neuro-science behindContinue reading “Counter assault: How does it actually work? Badly organized musings.”

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