Martial Artists need to be honest with themselves.

People who do martial arts often need a reason to do what they do. The combat sports guy would say stuff about how MMA or boxing is the ultimate test of manhood, that it’s proven to be the best method of combat and thus they want to be strong. They will talk about the highContinue reading “Martial Artists need to be honest with themselves.”

What was Sonny Umpad and his students secret to success?

I’ve made two blog posts about “The Hustler” and it’s author Maija Soderholm(I probably mangled her name) Thing is she talks extensively about her teacher Sonny Umpad, how he trained and how he taught her to think. And it’s not just Maija who was impressed by him. He’s not well known, but those who knowContinue reading “What was Sonny Umpad and his students secret to success?”

So why are headbutts illegal in Muay Thai and MMA?

I totally understand why there are safety rules in combat sports. Hitting to the back of the head can fucking kill people, you don’t want to play games with that. In old school Japanese MMA you can soccer kick and stomp, but it only really worked on people who were exhausted already, it’s not goodContinue reading “So why are headbutts illegal in Muay Thai and MMA?”

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