We need to bring the clinch back into boxing.

Look I get it, it sucks to see two boxers hug each other with nothing happening. But the clinch can still be broken up when there is no action. But if someone is smashing their opponent with the clinch, by break it up? Maybe it looks dirty but it’s still entertaining. Hell if it wereContinue reading “We need to bring the clinch back into boxing.”

Continued and constant rotational change for Knife defense and takedowns.

Locks too, but the title is crowded enough. See that doofus dressed like your grand mothers couch? That’s me. I helped pose and play around with progressions for this book. Now I can go into details about everything taught in the book, which is not only a system on how to defend against a knife,Continue reading “Continued and constant rotational change for Knife defense and takedowns.”

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