WAIT! Catch wrestling used to be in the Olympics? WHAT!!!

I watched this video, and it makes many wonderful points. But if there is anything I learned from watching it, it’s that martial artists should never ever ever ever want their style to get into the Olympics if they still want it to have a combative focus. Most notable was the fact that when theContinue reading “WAIT! Catch wrestling used to be in the Olympics? WHAT!!!”

A rough rant about problems in Catch wrestling cultures.

Catch wrestlers seem more obsessed with being ‘pure’ and having a ‘real’ lineage than actually winning against other styles in all out grappling tournaments.And the few catch wrestlers that smash high level BJJ players are attacked for not being pure. Well forgive them for actually winning. Meanwhile BJJ for all it’s faults, is constantly evolving.Continue reading “A rough rant about problems in Catch wrestling cultures.”

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