A personal story on how Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria manifests.

I am a person filled with great self-loathing. The fact is my experience is that my family largely is mostly upset with me and constantly chastising me. They say they love me, but I can’t help but think that it’s because my culture makes it they have no choice, particularly my siblings. They tell meContinue reading “A personal story on how Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria manifests.”

ADHD and comorbid conditions

Just like a similar question I asked earlier with rejection sensitive Dysphoria, whether the emotional sensitivity is innate or a consequence of ADHD symptoms influencing our lives. Often those with ADHD are comorbid with other conditions. I was diagnosed with a very mild case of bi polar after having severe ADHD for years. Though notContinue reading “ADHD and comorbid conditions”

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