Strength and good body mechanics are the same thing.

No the title isn’t click bait. Depending on how you define what technique is, it’s not different from strength. If you define technique as collecting a bunch of moves and tricks to pull off, then technique and strength are different things. But that definition of technique only helps you in a limited fashion in combat.Continue reading “Strength and good body mechanics are the same thing.”

If you’re a good teacher, your students should start beating you.

Before I talk about students, lets talk about size, strength, age and Talent. When we think of martial arts, particularly those in Asia or Asian influenced, we think of a little old man with a bent back, a line full of students throwing punches and kicks. When he squares off with one of his students,Continue reading “If you’re a good teacher, your students should start beating you.”

The aging martial artist: Learning to take things slow.

A martial artist should rarely injure or cause repeated harm to their training partners. But they should go fast. Landing a blow without injuring a partner as fast and as many times as possible. I am not against going fast in training, and if anything drills should always speed up. But you should start slow,Continue reading “The aging martial artist: Learning to take things slow.”

90 percent of fights go to the ground Stat: Why does this persist?

When someone does BJJ or even MMA, they will always recite the gracie mantra “We found 90 percent of fights go to the ground, therefore ground fighting is superior.” Thing is it’s been long discovered the Gracie family got that statistic from police. And police are not supposed to smash faces or run away, theyContinue reading “90 percent of fights go to the ground Stat: Why does this persist?”

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