There is Invisible Jui Jitsu and there is Invisible Karate.

I used to describe the way I learned Uechi-Ryu as ‘Tai Chi with rolling and sparring’ or rather ‘internal martial arts with aliveness’ or other such desccriptions. But I’ve come to realize using ‘internal martial arts with resistence’ is a pretty bad description. Not because it’s entirely inaccurate, as Tai Chi is hugely influential inContinue reading “There is Invisible Jui Jitsu and there is Invisible Karate.”

The No.1 reason you need to spar/roll

I plan on this post being short, but I write stream of consciousness, and so it could go long. There are many genuinely good martial arts teachers who not only don’t spar, but don’t encourage it. The logic is either it’s too risky, or that sparring is too much like a duel and not anContinue reading “The No.1 reason you need to spar/roll”

Western influence on traditional arts is not always one way.

I was watching Lawrence of Kenshin make a video about Kyokushin karate, and he basically said the reason Kyokushin wins against Muay Thai (Sometimes) and he heavily implied that it’s because Kyokushin and other Full contact karate styles basically integrated Muay Thai, and that’s why they start to win or perform well. And there isContinue reading “Western influence on traditional arts is not always one way.”

Yes, there is such a thing as training too much to be efficient.

I almost feel dirty for writing this article. Because frankly, if focussing too much on efficiency is a problem, then focussing on getting something done regardless of efficiency is an even bigger problem. I’ve seen collegiate wrestlers do arm drags and take downs with pure ‘hulk smash’ energy than smooth technique. So the problem I’mContinue reading “Yes, there is such a thing as training too much to be efficient.”

Leaning forward in a triangle vs standing verticle like a tree. A discussion on posture.

Back when I could afford to be a patreon for people, I was giving patronage to Steve Morris. I learned a few things reading his posts on mechanics, the neuro-science of stress and learning between the rants. And there were rants, often about how useless most karate, kung-fu and general traditional arts are. He’s anContinue reading “Leaning forward in a triangle vs standing verticle like a tree. A discussion on posture.”

It’s better to kick low and to the head than low and mid range.

In both self-defense/combatives and combat sports, people often say if you want to avoid someone grabbing your leg or slipping and falling, kicking low or mid range is preferable than above the waist in a self defense situation or if one wants to avoid getting taken down. I used to say this often too, thereContinue reading “It’s better to kick low and to the head than low and mid range.”

Technique based training, Principle based training, Drilling based training.

This blog post is going to generalize a little bit, so bear with me. Most schools that are any good do a combination of technique, principle and drilling based learning. However there are still out of date schools around or teachers that are overly focussed on one method over the other. But mostly for theContinue reading “Technique based training, Principle based training, Drilling based training.”

Why is Sen no sen/Interrupting punches and combinations so uncommon in most kickboxing styles?

I’m going to praise myself, and in doing so also praise my teachers. To paraphrase former Trump administration flunky Anthony Scaramucci(Or however you spell his last name) he said “Steve Bannon sucks his own dick.” Well I don’t mean to suck my own dick, but most people I teach or spar with me say IContinue reading “Why is Sen no sen/Interrupting punches and combinations so uncommon in most kickboxing styles?”

Rules dictate how a style or school fights.

Ninety percent of martial arts or combative schools have rules when they fight, especially when doing pressure testing or sparring. Yes even your school with eye pokes and groin kicks. You all train with rules whether you know it or not. My school we could tap the groin if someone had a cup, and indicateContinue reading “Rules dictate how a style or school fights.”

Headbutts change everything.

So agan, I started with Karate, but my teacher didn’t train in a traditional way, or rather he never felt bound by it. So we head butted. And I got pretty good at it, I think we all did. But the focus of the training went toward purity of motion than focussing on a singleContinue reading “Headbutts change everything.”

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