My wife and I binge-watched the ONE-PIECE LIVE ACTION together. She grew up as a little girl watching it every morning, and I read it in junior high and high school, occasionally jumping into it when in the mood. Needless to say, it was very good as we both enjoyed it. Not just us, butContinue reading “ONE PIECE: LIVE ACTION VS ANIME.”

Am I the only one that had problems with CASTLEVANIA season 4?

SPOILERS Everyone seems to have nothing bad to say about the ending. Alright fair, it wasn’t bad. I enjoyed the last season, amazing fight scenes and some good character resolutions. But the thing is, I feel it was a bit rushed. My argument hinges on the fact that season 3 setup this huge potential clashContinue reading “Am I the only one that had problems with CASTLEVANIA season 4?”

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