Challenging the gift of fear: What if your gut is wrong?

So Gavin Debecker wrote a book about essentially how our fear and gut instincts are a gift. He’s not touching on something completely bogus, research shows when we make decisions, we make the choice first then reason why we did it. Many times our brains know the right answer before even we ourselves realize it.Continue reading “Challenging the gift of fear: What if your gut is wrong?”

Misconceptions about RBSD and Combat sports.

I follow a left leaning MMA and martial arts group. They are too far left to me, and even among people far left they have some extreme views. But they do a very good job at documenting the history of unsavory crap many martial arts organizations and fighters do and have done which is notContinue reading “Misconceptions about RBSD and Combat sports.”

Collective hatred is not okay. Collective punishment is never okay.

One thing that makes me cringe from post colonial studies is at times making it look like people descended from colonial nations are monsters. Yes systemic racism is a thing, and the legacy of colonialism TO THIS DAY is causing harm. People born in these cultures lack perspective sometimes, and often are complicit in theContinue reading “Collective hatred is not okay. Collective punishment is never okay.”

Socialists need to be able to critique socialist regimes.

Note: I am not a socialist. But I’m not a capitalist either, I am more sympathetic to socialism than capitalism. I do believe in the Hegelian Dialectic that Marx talks about, but Marx kind of thought the farther the dialectic goes toward workers and against owners the better. To me it depends on the culturalContinue reading “Socialists need to be able to critique socialist regimes.”

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