Live Action Little Mermaid: The problems not what everyone says it is.

Watching the new little mermaid. Before I go into it: The casting is not the problem. Halle Bailey is not the problem. She’s fine. Hell, I loved seeing her on screen, she’s good! She’s very cute. The problem is that when I saw the original little mermaid, the audio, the sounds, the visions hit youContinue reading “Live Action Little Mermaid: The problems not what everyone says it is.”


My wife and I binge-watched the ONE-PIECE LIVE ACTION together. She grew up as a little girl watching it every morning, and I read it in junior high and high school, occasionally jumping into it when in the mood. Needless to say, it was very good as we both enjoyed it. Not just us, butContinue reading “ONE PIECE: LIVE ACTION VS ANIME.”

Is it impossible for non-problematic media?

(This is based on a facebook post, so the editing is bad. Usually when i go over something a few times, it’s way more polished looking.) I’ve honestly given up on complaining about media not being woke. I noticed most of the biggest activists for social causes will complain about some media being problematic, butContinue reading “Is it impossible for non-problematic media?”

Why do people like Vegeta better than Goku? Analysis of Character.

Okay so even now I like Goku much better than Vegeta. I like his fighting style better and his combat and skill feats. I even like his personality better, because I just like a nice guy over a douchebag. Yet I find Vegeta is much more popular than Goku, and there is a reason forContinue reading “Why do people like Vegeta better than Goku? Analysis of Character.”

SQUID GAME: Appealing to left and right.

I could go over some stuff people already have. Needless to say, Squid-Game is a big hit, and beloved by both critics and audiences alike. I will focus on one point however: How Squid game has a blatantly heavy critique of capitalism, yet was beloved not only in capitalist societies, but by conservatives. Now someContinue reading “SQUID GAME: Appealing to left and right.”

I don’t care if I can see my actors face in live action speculative fiction.

Related to my last post about how T.V. shows about cosmic entities and forces will power them down from either the soarce material or in general, the excuse is often because audiences can’t suspend belief, even if it’s something related to things they actually believe or are raised to believe. This is spitting in theContinue reading “I don’t care if I can see my actors face in live action speculative fiction.”

Bad and good ways to critique religion and God in media.

We live in a secular society, we live in a society where parents without any creed or religion, or even belief in a supernatural are raising children that are generally good people and generally productive members of society. There has been much good in critique of religion, I admit this even though I consider myselfContinue reading “Bad and good ways to critique religion and God in media.”

Am I the only one that had problems with CASTLEVANIA season 4?

SPOILERS Everyone seems to have nothing bad to say about the ending. Alright fair, it wasn’t bad. I enjoyed the last season, amazing fight scenes and some good character resolutions. But the thing is, I feel it was a bit rushed. My argument hinges on the fact that season 3 setup this huge potential clashContinue reading “Am I the only one that had problems with CASTLEVANIA season 4?”

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