
Why you should practice forms even though forms are useless.

Love the click bait title? Good, because I actually kind of mean it. So this blog post is about martial arts, but it started from a political discussion regarding the current conflict with Israel and Palestine. A kung fu teacher I follow said something slightly offensive after October 7th toward Palestinians, and I ended up…

Live Action Little Mermaid: The problems not what everyone says it is.

Watching the new little mermaid. Before I go into it: The casting is not the problem. Halle Bailey is not the problem. She’s fine. Hell, I loved seeing her on screen, she’s good! She’s very cute. The problem is that when I saw the original little mermaid, the audio, the sounds, the visions hit you…


My wife and I binge-watched the ONE-PIECE LIVE ACTION together. She grew up as a little girl watching it every morning, and I read it in junior high and high school, occasionally jumping into it when in the mood. Needless to say, it was very good as we both enjoyed it. Not just us, but…

There is Invisible Jui Jitsu and there is Invisible Karate.

I used to describe the way I learned Uechi-Ryu as ‘Tai Chi with rolling and sparring’ or rather ‘internal martial arts with aliveness’ or other such desccriptions. But I’ve come to realize using ‘internal martial arts with resistence’ is a pretty bad description. Not because it’s entirely inaccurate, as Tai Chi is hugely influential in…

The No.1 reason you need to spar/roll

I plan on this post being short, but I write stream of consciousness, and so it could go long. There are many genuinely good martial arts teachers who not only don’t spar, but don’t encourage it. The logic is either it’s too risky, or that sparring is too much like a duel and not an…

Western influence on traditional arts is not always one way.

I was watching Lawrence of Kenshin make a video about Kyokushin karate, and he basically said the reason Kyokushin wins against Muay Thai (Sometimes) and he heavily implied that it’s because Kyokushin and other Full contact karate styles basically integrated Muay Thai, and that’s why they start to win or perform well. And there is…

Another post on crashing: Do you have the timing down?

This post is going to be pretty short. I’ve been thinking about why crashing is so commonly taught even to very skilled and in-depth martial artists, why is it a tactic? Sure it’s easy, but there are things that provide a better end result. So why? Then I realised it’s a timing thing, why crashing…


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