SQUID GAME: Appealing to left and right.

UPDATE] Squid Game - Roblox

I could go over some stuff people already have. Needless to say, Squid-Game is a big hit, and beloved by both critics and audiences alike.

I will focus on one point however: How Squid game has a blatantly heavy critique of capitalism, yet was beloved not only in capitalist societies, but by conservatives.

Now some conservatives deny the blatant criticism of capitalism in the show, reviewer Critical Drinker made an off hand comment about how people writing Op-Eds on the anti-capitalist message are largely inserting politics into it.

But I mean come on, it basically uses narrative to argue common critiques of capitalism. The fact there is a false choice, everyone ‘volunteers’ into the game and are allowed to leave with a majority vote. But then they all come back because they are just that desperate for cash, society forces them to view a physically and psychologically horrible game is worth it.

Debt for instance is a very big problem in South Korea right now, and almost every character in the show is in debt. Medical bills is another theme, two characters go in to pay for their own or someone else’s medical bills.

I mean the God damned writer himself said he was making a criticism of poverty and society, he came awfully close to saying this is about the horrors of capitalism without using socialist lingo.

That said, the fact people who love capitalism could watch this show and enjoy it so readily is proof of brilliant writing.

As front and centre the economic woes of the contestants are, everyone has a history and a background. Every character a personality, and they form such powerful relationships with eachother, enough that one can weave the message of economics into who they are.

I would not go so far to say it’s socialist, one of the main characters wants to get her mother across the North Korean border to South Korea. Yes there is a line where one character asks “Was life better here than in North Korea?” and the Character pauses uncomfortably, implying it might not have been better. Yet many more episodes afterward, this character is adamant to want her mother to be taken to South Korea. She sure as hell doesn’t want to go back North with her brother.

Yet all this is woven into character, and it’s not preachy. Every character is not wearing a Mao suit waving the star and sickle. They are a-political as most citizens in a country are, they are not political radicals. They see society as it is, something they can’t change, and thus are just trying to deal with it. That’s most people in the world, most human beings are not radical socialists, Islamists, or Nazis. Most people don’t feel this overwhelming sense that society can be different, to them life is life, and you just deal.

That is why even conservatives could absolutely love a show like Squid-Game. Because even if we ourselves have politically radical streaks, most of our family and friends certainly are not.

And if you’re already a radical left wing revolutionary, you’ll love Squid Game because it largely champions your politics.

Published by wanabisufi

Martial artist, Aspiring writer. Non-neuro typical. One of those baby eating Mosley people.

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