Chris-Chan: Mental health does not always manifest in the same way.

It's honestly shocking how terribly Chris is aging...: ChrisChanSonichu

For those who don’t know, Chris-Chan was an autistic young man who later transitioned into a woman. Chris was famous mostly for creating Sonic fan comics and being obsessed with wanting a young beautiful girlfriend.

Chris largely came off like an incel, and she got cat-fished, tricked and manipulated into doing many stupid things because people posed as girls interested in him, or general peer pressure and naivety. His whole life and family was largely one of the most exposed on the internet, and largely manipulating her and her life was a source of entertainment for many.

It’s worth noting she has autism. He is ‘high functioning’ but I would put some caveats with that.

But now what Chris-Chan is known for something very terrible, he admitted to having had sex with his elderly mother suffering from dementia.

crabcrawler on Twitter: "🚨🚨CHRIS CHAN TUCKER CARLSON SEGMENT ("what's  with the Mexican guy in the bottom left corner?") (CLIPPED THIS FROM A  YOUTUBE BOOTLEG, SOME FOREIGN CHANNEL, I DON'T KNOW) This is

The reaction of the internet was varied. Many people had self-righteous indignation, calling Chris a terrible person. THere was shock, and then some conservatives like Tucker Carlson and Blaire White used Chris as an example of bad trans people, a smear against the community.

But that is not what I want to talk about.

What I want to talk about is whether or not his mental condition is an excuse for his behavior. What often happens is people will feel pity for Chris, often decent people are upset he’s manipulated into doing stupid or terrible things.

High functioning people with autism however point out they have autism, and thus never did anything even close to as bad as Chris did. I remember one comment saying how they cheated on their girflriend, but they couldn’t blame anyone because deep down they knew it was bad.

The problem I have with this explanation is simply this: Autism, ADHD and Bi-polar manifest in very different ways with different people. Most people who are high-functioning autism are often mature, have a clear understanding of the world, often know most people will try to manipulate them. They are not stupid, and they often know right from wrong.

The thing is, Kiwi farms leaked his medical records, and it noted he has the mental maturity and reasoning ability of a ten year old, an older child. Chris Chan is considered high functioning because he can communicate and generally can feed himself. But he is not high functioning like most autistic people. He’s just intelligent enough to know he’s very different and cannot connect with most people., but unlike most autistics he has poor masking skills. Toxic people can sense he can easily be taken advantage of.

Do we expect children to be able to fight off grooming, manipulation and pressure? Of course not. We shelter them, we protect them, we often literally pamper them. Because we know they can’t make proper decisions.

Chris is in many ways a child with an adults body, and adult needs.

I understand ableism and discrimination against the disabled/mentally ill/non-neurotypical often manifests in assuming they have no free will, that they can’t make decisions and are not aware of decisions. Often times rights are taken away regardless of the will of people that don’t psychologically fit.

But it is not ableism to point out some non-neurotypical people really do have impaired reasoning. It’s not the norm, it should not be assumed, nor should it be justification for discrimination and bigoted attitudes. But sometimes it is a thing, and Chris-Chan fits it.

It’s very easy to hate Chris-Chan. People both socially left and socially right dislike Chris for different reasons.

Feminists will dislike Chris due to high probability she transitioned only to attract lesbians, Chris’s history before and after transition of begging for sex and companionship with woman, pure INCEL vibes from him.

People who are pro-gay rights dislike him for his constant homophobic statements, his hatred of gay men.

Conservatives would not like Chris as a drain on society that collects disability, someone that wants to disrupt the gender binary which is the norm of society. Tucker Carlson and Blaire White presented Chris as examples of trans extremism.

But when you realize Chris literally functions like a child, it’s harder to hate her. I used to believe very stupid and very toxic things as a kid. Many people do. Many people don’t know any better than to repeat what their parents teach them when they are children, or their friends.

Like a child trying to impress internet friends, Chris would humiliate himself, let herself get heart broken, and recently maybe even do something terrible to impress them. This is not adult behavior, it’s child like.

It’s not autism that makes Chris like this, it’s the fact he is not mentally developed. Perhaps her variation of autism made his psychological maturity stunted, but it’s not any particular autism symptoms he is manifesting

You’re probably thinking considering how terrible Chris’s acts are, that I’m picking the wrong person to sympathize with. And I admit, I do sympathize with Chris. I’ve never done even close to the shit Chris has done, but there are a few things I relate to.

There are an ongoing documentary series on the internet about Chris-Chan, fifty six parts and each episode fourty minutes long. I remember watching what Chris calls “The happiest days of my life” and I was rendered heart broken. This was a person that never fit in with the other kids, everyone around Chris knew he(male at the time) was screwed up. Many people didn’t try to accomodate him, and instead he was rejected. He had friends, but even he realized most hung out because they either felt sorry for him, or his parents paid them to hang out with him. The most striking thing was that Chris did not understand how to modify his behaviour to have real friends, to be accepted. But he did know there was something wrong with him, he had enough self-awareness to know he is autistic. But he was not self-aware enough to understand how to do anything about it, or how to even understand social dynamics and life without assistence.

The worst thing was how Chris’s internet engagement pushed him away from those that took care of him, that managed him. Chris was constantly hounded.

And then we’re surprised someone with the mental maturity of a child did some terrible things when his only friends are internet trolls?

What’s even more sad is his biggest dream was a pretty girl to fall in love with him, and that kind of happened in a girl named Fiona who ran a fanpage for Chris. She genuinely liked him, and she has autism as well.

Yet a troll with the goal of internet fame, Isabella Janke groomed him to attack his mother, then tried to get CHris and Fiona to have sex so she could record it. Then it’s even revealed Isabella(A lesbian herself) was sexually attracted to Fiona and resented Chris for attracting the young woman.

And then more evidence came out that it’s POSSIBLE(not certain) she influenced Chris to do incest with her own mother. What is certain is that she knew what he did and sat on it, did not go to the police until it blew open and she had no choice to go to it.

Fiona apparently found out and had a nervous breakdown, the poor girl ended up in a mental institution.

In the center of it is Chris. And Chris is the one getting the flack, and in a way Chris should, what Chris did was monstrous. My only point is treat Chris like a child pulling the trigger of a gun, not truly knowing what it means.

And Isabella has a history of terrible things. She manipulated him into these terrible things. And she herself has talked about being interested in pedophilia, says she may be a diagnosed sociopath.

And then she tore into Chris. Yet somehow it’s all Chris’s fault, Chris somehow is assumed to be able to make proper decisions.

Chris Chan Sonichu/CPU Blue Heart⚡️💙⚡️ on Twitter: "My mom found a classic  photo of my dad and I in a very important moment.… "

The worst part is Chris’s worst outbursts were encouraged by his family. Her mother often encouraged what he did, even helping him attack a worker at GameStop. She did not chastise him or try to limit his behavior. He attacked and got banned nationally from entire store chains, multiple times, and yet she constantly enabled him until he ended up hurting her while she was invalid. His father seemed more aware of the fact his son/daughter was not normal, and truly tried to put Chris toward some kind of hobby or vocation that is healthy instead of getting trolled by the internet. But he was a very old and out of touch man who did not understand how the internet worked or how to give his child an outlet they love without them getting in trouble. He was not tech saavy enough to filter the internet for Chris.

And this is going to sound shocking from a writer who would be deemed mentally ill, but Chris should be institutionalized. Should have been a long time ago. More into an institution than jail.

I’m done ranting.

But if you are to take anything away from this, know that most autistic or other non-neurotypical people have free will and understand right and wrong. But also remember it doesn’t always manifest the same way in all people, and sometimes even the most depraved things may not be a choice by some of them.

And sometimes it is a choice. But first investigate before doing it.

And stop trolling Chris. Let Chris get help from his/her support network.

Also while Fiona is hardly a perfect girl, it’s incredible someone with Chris’s behavior, history and obesity somehow managed to STILL have someone actually fall in love with him, despite his very…irredeemable behavior. That means everyone can find love. Hell I think Chris scored a cuter girl than I can score. Guess I’m just that gross.

But really. Let’s realize some people are not responsible for their actions.

Published by wanabisufi

Martial artist, Aspiring writer. Non-neuro typical. One of those baby eating Mosley people.

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